The Future of Learning Podcast
Welcome to "The Future of Learning Podcast," where we dive deep into the innovations that are transforming the way we learn and develop. Hosted by leaders in education and technology, each episode explores the latest trends in AI, VR, AR, microlearning, and more.
Join us as we interview experts, share insights, and discuss how these advancements are shaping the future of education and corporate talent development. Whether you're an educator, learning professional, or simply passionate about the evolving landscape of learning, this podcast is your go-to source for staying ahead in a rapidly changing world.
Tune in and be part of the conversation shaping the *Future of Learning*!
The Future of Learning Podcast
The New Era of Tailored Professional Development
Unlock the secrets of personal growth with Learn Infinity, the AI-driven ally in your professional development journey. This episode peels back the curtain on traditional corporate training, offering a glimpse into a future where learning is as unique as you are. We're not just talking about any old e-learning platform; we're talking about a personal coach in your pocket that adapts to your learning style and grows with you, acknowledging every milestone with certificates to enhance your professional standing.
Prepare to be drawn into a conversation about the platform's cutting-edge features that make education a thrilling pursuit of knowledge. With Learn Infinity, you're no longer learning in isolation; instead, you join a vibrant community where insights flow freely and connections are forged. This episode explores how real-time coaching and social learning can ignite your career and keep you ahead of the curve in an ever-changing workplace.
As we wrap up, you'll discover the practical side of engaging with Learn Infinity. This isn't just another app—it's a revolution in adult online education and professional development. From selecting the perfect coach to suit your needs and budget to enjoying the flexibility of personalized learning sessions, this platform is a testament to the power of tailored education. So, take the leap and redefine your learning experience with us—because with Learn Infinity, your potential is limitless.
Once upon a time, corporate learning was a sea of uniformity, trapped in outdated methods and boring cookie cutter courses. But then… Arrive at beacon of change. Here's Learn Infinity, an AI-powered revolution. Arrive. Infinity is not just another learning application. It's your personal corporate coach, Bringing down the barriers of traditional learning and igniting your potential with a personalized, vibrant learning experience. The future of learning is here. Revolutionize your learning and development experience. Embrace the future with your personal AI-powered corporate coach. Download it today. Keep learning.
Speaker 3:Well, welcome to all of you who are joining me on this afternoon. Beautiful here in North Carolina, and I hope that it's beautiful wherever you are. I am so thankful that you are joining me in this great unveil that I think it's going to be a great tool for many people that are wanting to better themselves, especially in the corporate setting. So, once again, thank you so much for taking some of your lunchtime to be with me. I scheduled this for an hour. Hopefully we don't go that long, but there's a lot that I want to cover Again, so I'm very thankful that you are here with me.
Speaker 3:So, unless you've been living under a rock, you know that there's been a huge change that took place in 2023, and that is AI. Ai has been around for many, many years, many decades actually but it's been this past year that it really took off. Even people that had never heard of AI know about AI. Ai is changing basically everything that we do. It's putting everything on its head, and learning and development is one of those areas that is not being spared by it. Actually, I've seen so much change in this past year. Then I've seen in almost 16 years that I've been in learning and development, and this is only the beginning. Some very, very smart people in this discipline say that this thing is going to really, really take off and it's going to change everything in the next five, maybe less than five years. I mean, if you just take a look at what happened in this last year, it's incredible just to think about what could happen in the next five years. No, the workplace is one of those areas that is probably being touched the most and where a lot of the change it will happen. You're already starting to see that. You know, ai is taking over a lot of the functions that people normally did. Any routine work that people normally did. It's being taken over by AI, even to the point of creating copy, developing strips. All of that is being transformed by AI. A lot of people are sort of scared as to what could happen to their jobs and careers. The truth of the matter is that we are on a race. We're on a race that will really speed up If you think about what happened in this last year, compared to what's happening and everybody's getting into the game right now. We are in a race against time. It's a race that, on our own, we're probably not going to win. I don't mean to scare anybody, but the facts are the facts. Ai has really taken a hold and this is only the start of this journey.
Speaker 3:My argument is that the only way, especially in learning and development, that we can win or keep up because I don't think we can win, but to keep up with AI is with AI. My imagination has really sparked up earlier this year when I saw the capabilities of AI and what could be done in learning and development. Now, listen, this is my area of joy. I love learning and development and I would hate to think that AI is going to replace me, but the reality is that we either get on in the race or we're going to be left behind. My argument is that the only way to really keep up with it is to really embrace it in what we do, especially in learning and development and in corporate training and in education as a whole. There's no way that we could keep up, but that's not enough. So AI, at least at the moment, in my opinion, is quite limited. There's certain things that AI can do very, very well actually recalling data and giving facts and putting all of that in a way that people can understand but it's not enough, and especially in learning and development, adult learning theory really speaks to how people in the workplace are going to learn and what they need in order to learn even better, and that is through three things that I think are very important that I don't see a lot of people addressing at the moment. They're addressing the AI issue and they're saying, yeah, this is what we need to do, but they end there, and I think that in order to have a comprehensive learning and development successful approach in corporate training, we need these three things Knowledge, community and coaching. Knowledge, community and coaching. Now, the knowledge, as we've seen, is now coming from AI, and that's why I've created this application called Learn Infinity, and Learn Infinity takes all three of those and leverages the strengths of each of those positions to help people learn better.
Speaker 3:Okay, now in AI. In the AI area, learn Infinity is really backed on CHAP GPT for the moment. There may be other things that we may use in the future, but right now it's really the foundation is on CHAP GPT, and it is incredible what this tool can already do, and it's only the beginning, right. So through the AI, you can, you know it'll greet you and say, hey, what are we learning today. So when you create your account, you have to put in your information as to what your interests are and your level of expertise and how you prefer to learn. All of those things will be asked and so when you create your account, the AI is going to be taking that information and everything from there on out is going to be based on your needs as a professional or as a learner, whereas right now things have been more cookie cutter.
Speaker 3:Right Again, I'm an instructional design, I love creating courses, but it's almost like you create the course, right, you package it and you put it in. You know you put it in the LMS or wherever you're going to be hosting this, and then it sits there and you know it could be used or not. It could be, you know, relevant to the individual or not, and so it's there. Especially in the corporate setting. That's an expensive proposition, whereas right now the individual, when they enter their information, the AI Learn Finity will take that information and create courses based on that individual. So your courses are going to be different than mine. Your needs are different than mine, and so the AI is going to be able to feed the individual exactly what they need and when they need it, and you can keep changing this over and over again.
Speaker 3:So, through generative AI, the tool Learn Finity will tell you hey, listen, this is what I suggest you learn based on what you've learned so far. Through generative AI, you can interact with that coach in real time, as we saw in the little commercial that I played. You can put questions to the test, you can ask the Learn Finity hey, you know, I'm going into this meeting and I'm going to be dealing with a difficult individual. What should I do? Or, hey, I need focus and what are the best things that I can do today in order to focus? It doesn't matter what it is. You can ask the AI anything and it will guide you, it will help you, it will coach you. Okay, and so it's an incredible tool.
Speaker 3:Now, this is what I was just talking about. What you can do when you go in is you tailor the learning to your specific needs. So you know again, every course, every curriculum is for that individual. Everything is being created from scratch, okay, so it's not something that you know we store away. These are courses and materials that are given to the individual just in time. It's being created at that moment, and so, again, it's more up to speed type of learning.
Speaker 3:Okay, because if things change, then the content will also change, Right, and so it will adapt to whatever is happening at that moment. It will adapt to that, and so you are always getting the most relevant content in order to do your job even better, in order to grow in your career even better, and so this is I think this is a game changer, because, again, right now, I have to go and hunt for the courses. Hopefully the courses are, you know, are relevant. Still the technology hasn't changed or the concepts haven't changed. And then I have to take the risk and actually buy, purchase the course. Right, and, as you know, education has gotten more expensive each year, and so it's an incredibly expensive and sort of lagging behind reality, right, and so, with this, it will create the courses in real time and will basically give you the latest and greatest at that moment, once you create your profile and you're going to tell okay, you're coming interested in XYZ and, by the way, with Lymphenity you can be interested in anything.
Speaker 3:Okay, so it's not geared toward corporate training only If you're interested in languages, if you're interested in science, if you're interested in I don't know culinary arts. You can create a curriculum based on your interest or multiple interests. And so, once you go, once you create your profile and Lymphenity tells you okay, here are my suggestions. You can either enroll or not enroll. Once you enroll, it's there. You don't lose it. It's there for you to continue to learn at your own pace. It'll keep track of your learning.
Speaker 3:Okay, so, as you go through the materials and you're learning at your own pace, the system will keep track of this and later on, in a live demo, I'm going to show you. You know, we're taking this even to the next level. You can interact now with your real-time coach as you're taking the courses. You can take courses of any type and any progression. If you're not happy with the courses that you've taken or your interests have changed, you can click on this little plus button here and create a brand new set of courses or curriculum. So, again, you don't have to necessarily take what is there. You can always be changing, because we change right we may be interested in, you know, maybe, let's say, on marketing, right, and so the system will give you things about marketing. But maybe, once you start going through the course, maybe you're really interested in social media marketing, right, and so you'll tell the AI, hey, I'm really interested more in social media marketing than marketing as a whole, and then the system will generate that course for you or that curriculum for you. So it's really cool.
Speaker 3:Here's another great thing the AI will keep track of your progress, and then you will have earned certificates, and so I think this is gonna be great, because you can show this to your potential employers. You can show this to your current employer and say look, I'm learning about AI, I'm learning about marketing or whatever the work that you do. You're polishing your skills, you're learning more, and so it's kinda cool that you can not only just take courses for the sake of taking courses, but you can also take those courses and now show the world what you're learning, and you can post these on LinkedIn, you can post them on social media, you can show them to your boss, you can print it. You can do a lot of things with it. Now, that was the AI part of it, okay, so I told you that there were three things, I think, that are very important in order for people, especially adults, to learn. Ai will take care of the up to speed content that you need. In real time, you can interact with it, but at the end of the day, it's sort of impersonal. Right, you're still dealing with? You're dealing with the machine. Right, you're dealing with something on your phone.
Speaker 3:This is where community also comes into play, and the vision for community within Learn Infinity is that you'll have access to a global group of people that are interested in the same things that you're interested in, and that true and real social learning will take place, and that means that not only am I learning from the content that I'm receiving from Learn Infinity, I am now connecting with fellow learners and we are processing these things together. So, if I have a question, we're all in different levels, right, and so it would be nice to have sort of like a social media tool that is not just about the trends and music or little dances, but it could be a social media environment where it's for growth and for development and for to learn from one another. In the system, you can either join a community, but if you're not happy with that community, you can create your own community, right, and so you can tell your friends hey, let's take this course together, let's, or this discipline together, and you can create a group and you can make it either private or not private. You can make it private or public, and so you're connecting with other people, and the vision is people from around the world. Right, we've become a global society, and the beauty of this is that we would be able, we're gonna be able to learn from people from all over the world. Right, we don't have all the truth ourselves or all the knowledge ourselves. There's people around the world that do as well, and so it's gonna be, I think, a nice sense of community where people are learning together from wherever they are. You can, once you create a group, you can interact with that group. You can chat with people in that group. You can share your photos, If you still wanna do that, you can share a video. You can record yourself, you can provide documents for people to read. It's a truly engaging tool that will allow you to, just like we do in social media right now. You will be able to do it on infinity, but, I think, with the purpose of learning and growing and getting better together as a community. So I think that it's gonna be a game changer.
Speaker 3:After all, we are social individuals, right. We need to be around with other people, and so I think that the area of learning and development right now, especially online learning and e-learning, is isolated. Right, you take the course. It's you clicking next most of the time. Right, you take it because you have to, but it's an isolation, right, everybody's doing their own courses. There's no sense of community and no way to share your insights with other people.
Speaker 3:Learn infinity is gonna allow you to do that, but we're taking that even a step further, and that is through coaching, and the vision here is that let's say that you are taking a curriculum and you really become interested in it and, mind you, once you become interested in it, the learn infinity is gonna give you as much knowledge as you could possibly handle. So there's no limits to what learn infinity will be able to give you or feed you or sent to you, and, again, you can learn as much from learn infinity as possible. You can learn in community, but we always need at least I do and a lot of people that I've met, we sort of need somebody that we can tutor us or mentor us or coach us, right, and I think that that part of the human touch, I hope we're not gonna lose that right, and so AI is gonna have a place right and it's gonna be a great place. It's gonna give you, again, all the content that you need in order to learn whatever it is that you wanna learn. But then you also want that human interaction, and so learn infinity gives people the ability to look for a coach right Now. We're in the initial stages right now, so we don't have a lot of coaches right now.
Speaker 3:We're just launching learn infinity so, but the vision there is if you're an expert in a field and you wanna coach people, you could do that. You could become a coach. And, by the way, it's not free. You can charge the individual right. After all, time is money and you've gained all your knowledge. You have to pay a lot of money for your knowledge and your experience. You should be compensated, and so coaches will be able to basically provide their services to the community.
Speaker 3:The community can then go into learn infinity and say, hey, let me scroll through potential coaches out there, okay, and I wanna see what their rating is. Okay, how many years of experience do they have? How many? What are other students saying about this coach? Is this a good coach or not? Right? And so it's a community driven sort of ranking, as we see today in other areas. Right, especially for products. It's a community based ranking that will allow you to say, hey, this person is right for me and you know what.
Speaker 3:This coach may charge $50 per session. This coach may charge $25, it's really up to the individual and you have your choice, right. If you have a budget, you can say, okay, I only have XYZ to spend on this, I only wanna do two or three sessions. It's really up to you and up to the coach. You come together and it's very, very seamless. Once you are in, depending on the type of session that you're gonna have with your coach, you have the ability to message your coach, to have live video conferencing with your coach if you wanted to, to have live phone calls if you want to. Again, it's something that you, your coach and you will determine what the best relationship is, what we wanna do, and so once you do that, you'll be able to share with each other content, so your coach may be able to say, hey, read this or watch this video, or hey, here's a list of questions or here's a project that I want you to do. You're learning all of the background in Learn Infinity, you're talking to other members of your community and now you have a coach really coaching you so you can get better. And it could be one session, five sessions, 15 sessions, 100 sessions. It's really up to what you want and thus you bring, I think it's a wholeness to the learning experience of the individual.
Speaker 3:Again, I don't think we'll ever be able to impart knowledge as well as Learn Infinity is doing right now. Now, I know that it's not 100% perfect, right. You still have to sort of, you know, check it. That's why you know you have a community and you have coaches that you can bounce those ideas from. But I think that the other two parts are very, very important, right, so the knowledge base comes from Learn Infinity and it's infinite, but then you also have this connection with other individuals and potentially with a coach. I think it's a win-win.
Speaker 3:So I'm gonna get into a live demo now If this thing works. Let's see One second. Okay, all right, so you can see my screen. This is LearnFindity. By the way, it is absolutely free. You can take all the courses for free. Now we have features that are paid, but you can take as many courses as you want 100% free of charge. Okay, so it's great. And so, once you're in again, this is what I was telling you in my presentation You'll ask okay, this is what I recommend. By the way, there's a little lag going on right now, so bear with me. And again, it creates everything in real time.
Speaker 3:And so, right now, I've been interested in marketing. Obviously, I'm a pretty good educator, but marketing is. I need help in that area. So I've been wanting to learn more about it, and so I can pick. Okay, these courses look really, really good to me. I want to do social media and I'm going to say, okay, I have basic knowledge, and now the system will create that particular content for me. It hasn't been created before, it's just creating it now, in real time. And now I can see, okay, what the you know I can. I can read an overview of the course, okay, and I can see the modules. Okay, this looks good. All right, yeah, this looks like a good course. So I'm going to go ahead and enroll, and now I'm enrolled.
Speaker 3:Now, once you have been enrolled in the course, you can launch it from here, okay, and so all the courses that you're interested in are there. As you can see, I've been taking a lot of courses. Okay, there we go. Once I'm in and I'm not going to you know I'm not going to do this right now but once I'm in the course, I can certainly read it. But again, for as a, as a in purchase, in-app purchase you can have the system either give it to you in text, and that's absolutely free, or you can say, hey, I want to just listen to it, right, and so you can. You can have the system generate the audio for you. And because you want to learn on the go, as you jog, as you drive, you can, you can ask the system to do that.
Speaker 3:Now, that's going to take a little bit of time. So you'll start generating and the system is going to say, hey, we're generating this. Go have a cup of coffee, check your email, go for a walk, and we'll let you know when, when your content is, when your content is ready, and so, again, once I click on, it is generating. That content in real time is not pre-packaged. So the beauty of that is that, as the AI continues to learn and gain more, more experience and knowledge, it's going to give the learner the most up to date information, and so it's.
Speaker 3:It's a great, it's a great deal, yeah, and I may, I may take it may take some time. So I'm going to get out of it right now and I'm going to show you, maybe in another, another course, what that, what that looks like. I've done that already, and so there there is the content of the course. Let me see if I did a video for this one. It's telling me I have to, I have to pay, so I don't, I'm not giving me a free ride either. So, again, it's a, it's a great. It's a, it's a great great tool.
Speaker 3:Now, this is the other, the other thing that you could do, by the way, you could do interact with the AI, both as you log in and if you, let's say, you have something in mind that you want to, you want coaching in, you could ask your excuse me, your online coach right away what it is that you want to know. But also, as you're taking the courses, you're going to notice that if you scroll and I have to be careful here, because so here it is you can say hey, listen, I have a question about xyz within the course, and so you don't have to dig for that information and try to figure out. You know where it is or what it is. You don't. Sometimes we don't even know what to ask, we just sort of feeling our way through it and and so here you can interact with the, with the AI, based on the course that you're taking at that particular moment. So if you have a question, you can ask it in real time and the AI will give you the answer in real time. So, again, you are. It's not, it's not just passive learning is really dynamic and interactive. The AI is coaching you all along the way on those things that you want to, that you want to learn and get better, and so it's really, it's really really cool, I think.
Speaker 3:Now let me show you the community section, and again, there's not a lot of communities yet. We just we just launched, so any communities that we have are right here. I would probably encourage all of you, once you download it and again, it's free, once you download it to join this learn infinity feedback group. Okay, any feedback is coming straight to me, right, and so we can interact if you have any ideas, any suggestions to improve the tool. Again, this is version 1.0. We're going to be, it's going to be getting better and better. We're already thinking of version two as we speak and and so learn, you know, join this group and you can. You know we can give us, give us feedback. So you know, there, there I am. You can message each other again, as I mentioned.
Speaker 3:Or this is where, if you want to create your own group and, by the way, these are all the groups available, right? So you know, medicine, healthcare, nursing, physical therapy, financial regulations, credit analysis, higher education, online learning, especially, I mean, you can go down the list and, by the way, I'm going on the list here. You don't have to do that. If you know exactly on the kind of group that you want to either create or join, you just do a search and it will be right there. But if you want to create your own group, you can do that by clicking on the plus name, the group. Give a brief description of the group, right, again, you can make that group private or public, and then you can invite your friends or your colleagues or your co learners to join with you in that group and you can learn together. So it's pretty, pretty cool.
Speaker 3:Now the coaching side the already coaching aspect here's where all the coaches will be will be listed Now, once we have more coaches and, let's say, you have a particular area of interest often the homepage you can notice that we have a little space at the bottom here. They're going to be there, the coaches within the your area of interest if there's any coaches are going to be listed there. Okay, so that's kind of that's kind of cool. It's going to be right in the homepage. And let's say that you are interested in finding a coach. Again, these are all tests, okay. So we're going to be cleaning it up pretty soon here, but you know, wanted to have something here here for this, for this demo, and so again, you can click on the particular coach and see, okay, okay, who is this individual, where, where are they, how many students have they serve, how many years of experience, what's their review? You know what reviews are they getting, who's giving them reviews? And so that's that kind of that's kind of cool.
Speaker 3:If this is a person, a coach, that I want to, let's say, contract, I will click here and click on send an offer. And you know I could say you know, coaching sessions, maybe twice a week, twice per week, and you know I'm gonna budget right now so I can only afford $25. Now you could see what the coach charges, right, but you can name your price, right. You can always ask, right, and so say, hey, I'm gonna pay, that's the only thing I can afford. $25 per session. Click on that, all right. There is a service fee for the service, of course, and then you send the offer and now this coach will receive that offer. You can always withdraw the offer, okay, so you have total control over your coaching, right, as we should.
Speaker 3:Let's say that I really like this coach and she's been very, very helpful and very knowledgeable, and, you know, it's just super great. Again, I can continue a conversation with that individual. So, again, I can record myself on a video and send it to her. I can, you know, send her a picture. Let's say, hey, I, you know, take a screenshot of the problem that you're dealing with, right, like, if it's you know, something that you actually need things to be pointed to you, you can send them the screenshot. You can record a video. You can, you know, send a document back and forth and when this coach accepts, this is where, now, you will have the opportunity to have live conversations. So you can say, hey, on Wednesdays at seven o'clock, we're gonna have a live session, and so you can do it over the app.
Speaker 3:Again, it's very dynamic. It's very how should I say it? You know it's not static at all. So here's what I'm gonna ask all of you to do. By the way, again, if you have any comments, any questions, any suggestions, download the app. You know, join that group. Let's talk over the app.
Speaker 3:I would love to hear your feedback on this. So here's what I would like you to consider doing. Again, it's not gonna cost you anything. Would you go to the app store or Google Play and go ahead and download it and create your profile? The first three people that send me a screenshot through the app, okay, of hey, I'm in and communicate with me. The first three people to do that. You're gonna receive a price from me. I'm not gonna tell you what it is, but it's gonna be really cool. Okay, I think I haven't even thought about exactly what it is you're gonna receive, but it's gonna be great. So, if you don't mind, please downloading, play with it. Again, the first three people that take a let me know hey, I'm in. I love it. I hate it, whatever it is, I'm not gonna be offended by your feedback. The first three people are gonna receive a gift, a price.
Speaker 3:The other thing I would love for you to do, and this is where I think it would be great if you can share with others right Right now, a lot of this is gonna be through word of mouth. Okay, it's gonna be word of mouth letting people know hey, this is really cool. If you know individuals that wanna learn, but they can't afford to either go pay for classes or anything like that, just give them access to the app. Let them know that it's there. Again, I think that this is gonna open learning to everybody. Okay, because, again, it's free. And so let them know hey, you can learn as much as you want for free, and, again, it's up to date. So, if you don't mind, number one, downloading it, let me know, hey, I'm in play with it and then sharing with others. Let's get the word out that Learn Infinity is here to help people get better, learn faster, learn the greatest and the latest, be in community with other people and receive coaching if they so choose to, and I will be very, very grateful.
Speaker 3:So I was hoping that I would not take the full hour. Give you time to enjoy your lunch. Thank you so much for joining me. If you have any comments, any thoughts, any suggestions, please, I'm here, I would love to hear, I would love to hear from you, and we'll have one of these again in the near future. Thank you so much for joining. Please, please, please, please, download the app today, and I can't wait to see you inside of Infinity. Take care. Bye tha tha you.